On November 3, 2022, we celebrated for the first time the International Day of Biosphere Reserves as a wake-up call on the importance and necessity of achieving a balance between human activities and the conservation of natural resources.
Unfortunately, finding this balance is difficult, but there are some places where harmony with nature is more of a reality than a utopia. They are the Biosphere Reserves, because they develop ecological and traditional agricultural practices; sustainable production systems; the maintenance and improvement of habitats and their ecosystem services; and the growth of local economies. In addition to these biological, ecological and cultural values, they are of scientific interest because they promote research, education and the exchange of experiences.
From Verdehesa we join this celebration by sharing these photos of the Monfragüe Biosphere Reserve as a tribute to all the Biosphere Reserves of the world and those who inhabit them!
The World Network of Biosphere Reserves now includes 738 reserves, 21 of which are transboundary, in 134 countries around the world. In Spain we have 53 distributed in 16 of the 17 Autonomous Communities, three in Extremadura, Monfragüe, Tajo Internacional and La Siberia.
More than 260 million people live in a Biosphere Reserve. Together, these sites protect about 5% of the Earth’s surface, or more than 7 million square km, an area roughly equivalent to the size of Australia.
More info: UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Program